Chapter 1478-true Mystic arrow

The burying Cloud Beast rushed up, and the Beast puppets that filled the sky continued to transform. In an instant, they became one with the demon ghost, and fell from the sky.

The moment this move was used, the crystal-clear tree also trembled. Inside the five-colored petals, the Dao fruit flashed with light, becoming more and more rapid.

The origin power on Xuan Hua's body revolved, and a vast power shot into the sky. The star shattering bow in his hand rang out, and the Pearl-like gemstones on it shot out tens of thousands of seven-colored rays of light.

At the same time, a Dragon tendon gushed out from where the string was broken and bound the two ends of the saber. Suddenly, a Dragon's Roar was heard and a green shadow was wandering on the bow.

He made a hand seal in front of him, and the treasure light all over the sky gathered together, and a strange phenomenon appeared in the surroundings.

The snow was falling, and the land was frozen.