Chapter 1566-turning the tables

Heaven and earth were suddenly split apart by that sword.

Everyone stopped fighting and looked over in shock.

Countless sword energies surged around Yunxiao, and circles of sword talismans danced in the sky like countless yellow papers, telling the story of death.

The two vast sword energies finally collided, and a mighty force swept across the entire world, dragging Yunxiao and the general into it.

Everyone was shocked. Under the surge of that terrifying power, all the light was constantly swallowed up. Even their divine sense and eyes were absorbed, and they could not sense the situation at all.

He only felt that there were two faint rays of light shuttling back and forth.


A loud sound of metal clashing rang out, followed by a sharp sword circle, which dispersed the majestic power!

A water-like sword light suddenly rushed up, directly into the clouds, and split the sky!