Chapter 1600-origin of the Saint domain

"Lord zhengqi's control over the financial power seems to be interfering with the normal operations of the divisions," Cangwu Qiong said.

don't worry, Cangwu Qiong and the rest of you, " Gongyang Zheng said. I won't control any normal operations. I only have a rough understanding of the various expenses.

When he said that, everyone no longer had any objections.

"The world is currently in turmoil and chaos. I hope that everyone can work together to overcome this difficult time," Gongyang Zheng said curiously.


Everyone responded in unison.

"The most important thing now is to keep ourselves in a state of chaos," Gongyang Zheng said. Nanfeng Xuan, you'll be in charge of investigating Yuan gaohan's whereabouts and Shangchen's death. Report the results to me as soon as possible."

"Yes!" A smaller figure flickered in the crowd, followed by a string of bell-like laughter, and then disappeared from the hall.