Chapter 1602-wonderful realm of spiritual flower

"Wei Qing's words make sense, I agree," Cangwu Qiong said.

Gongyang zhengqi looked at hei Yuhu and Si tingyu and said,"What about you guys?"

"This method is feasible, but you can't be too forceful. You should be gentle," the black universe protector said.

Gongyang zhengqi nodded. these people are all unparalleled experts. If we don't handle it well, it will backfire. I will be careful.

"That's good," black universe protector replied,"I have nothing to worry about. When I come out of seclusion, I'll start organizing people to prepare for the second siege on the moon pupil. I hope that Lord zhengqi can help me pay attention to this matter and provide as much support as possible."

"Of course!" Gongyang Zheng said curiously. The moon eye is the common enemy of the human race. Other than the Saints, the other powers should at least do their part. Lord Black universe protector, please rest in peace and recuperate, while I organize the manpower."