Chapter 1657-shell peak

what the hell is this?!

The people of the merchant Union all screamed and retreated along the mountain peak.

The entire ground caved in and split open for a thousand miles.

Soon after, a huge turtle head emerged like a bamboo shoot. Its long white fangs flickered with cold light, and its eyes were the size of lanterns, shooting out cold light.

that's my family's Guardian beast, the turtle shell!!

A person in the crowd suddenly cried out in alarm. He clenched his fists so tightly that "pa pa" sounds could be heard. His eyes were filled with anger as he roared, Ling Baiyi, it turns out that you're the one who stole The Guardian beast. Damn it!

Under the man's monstrous anger, a faint ice crystal condensed around his body. The surrounding martial artists trembled all over, feeling a boundless chill penetrate into their bones, and hurriedly retreated in horror.

“嗞! He's the Vice Palace Lord of beiming Dark Palace, hang Yifeng!"