Chapter 1664-cosmic disc


Ling Baiyi suddenly grinned evilly, and his eyes shot out a cold light. The six wounded purple sword was beating as if it had a life of its own, and every beat would send out a ripple that reverberated in the air.

A large number of runes appeared on the armor on his body, becoming bright and lively. It was as if it had always been a part of his body, and had now returned after being displaced.


The three of them sucked in a breath of cold air and retreated. A bad feeling grew stronger and stronger.

"We can't wait any longer, let's go!" Wan Yiqian shouted.

He was the first to rush up. He spun the Red Dragon staff in the air and quickly made hand seals to form the great sun sword wheel. He pressed forward fiercely.

A sword wheel vortex that was half an acre in size appeared and continued to devour the surrounding spiritual energy.