Chapter 1671-please enter the jar

Ning keyun sighed in the crowd, " I didn't expect such an ending. Wan Yiqian could be considered a hero of the world, but he ended up in such a miserable state.

Ning Kewei said,"a blessing in disguise, in case Dongshan mountain rises again." But that will depend on how much his injuries can heal."

"Father, do you think the ten thousand treasures tower has a good chance of rising again?" ning keyun asked.

Ning Kewei said,"50 - 50." However, the ten thousand treasures tower is in dire straits, and a starving camel is still bigger than a horse. What they need the most at the moment is an ally, and what we need the most is also an ally."

what? " ning keyun was shocked and said, " father's meaning is to form an alliance with the myriad Treasure Tower? "

Ning Kewei nodded and said,"yes, it's easy to add flowers to brocade, but hard to send charcoal in the snow." Forming an alliance at this time is the most popular and reliable."