Chapter 1717-you brought it upon yourself


All the elders in the hall were shocked.

In fact, almost everyone could see that Yunxiao was mentally exhausted, which was obviously a sign of excessive artifact refining. Naturally, his primordial energy and physical strength would be greatly affected.

"What?" Mu Zhuang let out a soft "huh" and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. His anxious heart was instantly put at ease and he became very interested.

Mu Bairong was also greatly alarmed. He immediately recalled mu Jie's evaluation of this person and didn't dare to be careless.

The power of his fist kept increasing, but it was still clenched tightly by Yunxiao's five fingers, unable to move an inch further.


He shouted angrily and lifted his right leg to kick.

Yunxiao chuckled as he put two fingers on his left hand together and poked at the aperture acupoints on the man's leg.
