Chapter 1730-strange steps

Within the sect, everyone looked at Xiao Hong in shock. Their disdain and contempt had completely transformed into shock and fear.

Xiaohong clenched his fists in excitement and said, " I won! Lord sect leader, did you see that? "

Yin Hui shuddered and came back to his senses. He looked Xiao Hong up and down a few times, and confirmed that she was indeed a martial Lord.

"That, that flame just now, what, what was that?" He stuttered.

I don't know either, " Xiaohong replied. whenever I'm angry, my body becomes especially violent, and those white sparks will come out.

The people of the bi Luo sect were all shocked. From her tone, it seemed that she had an extremely special body that could produce that terrifying fire with the fluctuation of her emotions.

"Then can Xiao Hong use fire when she's not angry?" Yin Hui asked.

Little red tilted her head and thought for a moment. I've tried. Sometimes it works, but the success rate isn't high.