Chapter 1740-battle to break the formation

Wan Yiqian thought for a while and said, " how about this? it's impossible to give a 30% discount to all sects. If everyone is willing to help me, I'll give you a 30% discount for the first 100 billion medial-grade primordial stones that the merchant union deals with you every year. What do you think? "

"This bi an ..."

"I think it's feasible. What do you all think?" nanqiu Yu said after some thought.

Yunxiao was amazed. Wan Yiqian was indeed a business genius, as he had actually come up with such a hunger marketing method.

If the 30% discount was allowed, most people would not cherish it. If the limit was set now, it would definitely attract a lot of people to fight for the discount at the beginning of each year.

Not only would it dispel everyone's doubts, but it would also greatly increase the trade between the two places. The trade with the hidden sects would probably multiply.