Chapter 1770-invincible

The transparent sword body was like the moon, emitting a scorching light like the sun. Countless white lotus flowers bloomed on the sword.

"Sword death slashing red, green Lotus Sword Song!"

He swept his sword across, and seven white lotuses bloomed on the sword, turning into a colorful sword Qi. It was like the spring light returning to the earth, and hundreds of flowers competing for beauty.

The earth skeleton's wings slashed down, and the terrifying red light was instantly blocked. Two forces exploded in the air!


The power of red and white shot out in all directions, but soon the red light was devoured by the white flame of sword Qi. The whole space began to shatter, and the first to bear the brunt were Yunxiao and the earth skeleton, who were swallowed by the shock.

The guests in the distance were already seriously injured. Under the impact, they felt as if their bodies were about to explode. The chaotic formation light became even more chaotic.