Old enmity

After Yunxiao rushed out of the restaurant, he instantly flew up thousands of miles into the sky, his eyes bloodshot as he stared into the distance.

A lone figure stopped in the distance. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a cold smile and ridicule. He turned around and left.

since you're already here, you still want to leave?!

Yunxiao's face was almost twisted, and his heart, which had always been calm, was now like a raging volcano erupting and burning.

The divine fire formed the shape of a Phoenix behind him, and golden light shot out from the flames. Demonic patterns instantly covered his entire body, and the red slash sword of death landed in his hand. Boundless sword intent surged in the sky.

"Go to hell!"

Countless demonic runes and sword runes flew up from the sword death's Red slash. With a roar, Yunxiao streaked across the sky like a meteor, and a stream of sword energy, like a long tail of a meteor, came slashing down!
