Battle of the seal (2)

damn it, this is really a big deal. The seal has been broken!

Xuan Hua cried out in shock and looked at the five Cloud Mountain with a grave expression. It was red as if a fire cloud was burning.

Countless runes and all kinds of Artifact Power erupted from the mountain, and the majestic power of the earth turned into rings of stars that scattered in all directions. Everyone felt tiny under this mighty force.

Hundred victories and the others also fled in horror, flying directly behind Yunxiao and the others. This was the only place they could be a little safer.

Yunxiao's eyes were bloodshot as he looked over with the power of the lunar pupil. However, there was no joy on his face, and his brows were furrowed into a deep frown.

The five Cloud Mountain was indeed broken, but the power of the barrier on the mountain seemed to be intact. It was not broken at all.

AI also noticed the abnormality immediately and frowned.