Battle of the seal (27)

alright, stop fooling around! Wei Qing shouted. we have serious matters to attend to!

The monsters seemed to be very obedient to him. They quieted down immediately, but their eyes were still staring at Cangwu Qiong with hostility.

"Is everyone here?" Huang asked coldly. I'll open up a path, and if there are any reinforcements, they can come together, so we don't have to kill them slowly in the future."

you're very confident, " Wei Qing snorted. haven't ruling blade suffered enough? "

that's because the ruling blade is powerful, " desolate retorted. you make it sound like you're very powerful. With just a few hundred monsters, you want to take on my Army of ten thousand? I'm drunk just thinking about it. "

Desolate's words made people's hearts drop to the bottom of the valley. That was an Army of tens of thousands of Warriors. In the world of warriors, such a large-scale battle was impossible unless it was a war between different races.