Battle of the seals (30)

Bei Xiaonan furrowed his brows. I think that's a pretty good name. Come up with one, then. But be quick. I think some of them are about to be beaten to death.

Tian zhaozi was on the verge of tears as he said helplessly, " stop playing around, Yingluo. Let's call it lightning and poison fusion technique, alright? "

Yunxiao was dissatisfied. Why don't we establish a sect and name it poisonous Thunderball?"

Beiming Nan shook his head and said, " not good. The lightning and green lightning are both evolved from the second wood element. They should highlight the verdant and vibrant nature of wood. Why don't we call them 'yo-yo'? "

Li Huachi smiled. I think 'Hua Yin treading in snow' is suitable. It means that Chenxi and I have finally reunited after a long time. We will finally meet again.

Xue Chenxi held hands with him. Her face was red, but it was filled with sweetness.