Xin kuili's flaming light

The shaking continued for a while before it calmed down. A huge crack appeared in the center of the island, like a piece of Jade being broken apart, revealing the heart inside. There was a light swaying, reflecting the surrounding sea water red.

Yunxiao looked down with his magical spirit eyes and saw a building shaking in the red light, which was vaguely visible but not real.

His heart began to heat up, and he licked his dry lips. If there really were medicinal pills left, it was extremely possible that there were level ten divine pills, which would be of great benefit to his current cultivation.

"The red light is still there, how do we break the restriction and enter?" mu Zhuang asked.

"This red light reminds me of something. Have you all heard of the xinkui li flame?"

Qu Hongyan had been silent the whole time, but she slowly spoke out her inner thoughts.