Chapter 1949-heavy equipment tower

The appearance of the natural moat cliff and the Saint Domain Realm had made everyone heave a sigh of relief. They didn't notice Yin Hui's movements, but when they felt that something was wrong, they all trembled in shock!

"My husband!"

Feini was the closest to Yunxiao, and by the time she noticed him, his palms had hit Yunxiao's chest. Her mind went blank, and she screamed madly as she rushed forward!


Yunxiao's body exploded into pieces, and blood filled the sky.


Everyone's entire body trembled, and they were completely dumbfounded.

"Ha, hahaha!"

Yin Hui's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but laugh wildly. However, he had been severely injured and hadn't fully recovered yet, so he kept coughing from laughing, and blood seeped out.


All was silent, and the sky was filled with his wild laughter.