Chapter 1967-recovery

"Palace Master, yunshang has gone down the mountain alone!" Outside the main hall, the urgent voice of a fluxer girl came.

On the snowfall peak, the cold wind was biting and the snow was falling. The entire shenxiao Palace was submerged in a cold air, as if indicating that this ancient sect would return to silence, just like the heaven and earth.

The door of the hall had been sealed, and qu Hongyan sat cross-legged alone inside, not seeing anyone else.

"I know."

She only replied indifferently, as if she was very tired, and said, " "Let her go,"

The string girl seemed to be stunned,"but, she's still so young, and she's even your personal disciple Qianqian."

so what if she's my direct disciple? she has her own choices, and she has always been very sensible, " qu Hongyan said.

"But Qianqian yunshang has the divine body of nine yang! Only one Qianqian has been born in thousands of years!"