Chapter 1985-survival of the fittest

Just the power of the punch was so vast that the injured Warriors were all shocked and couldn't help but retreat.

Even those who could withstand the power of the fist turned pale.

Zhu Jun retracted his hand and sneered,"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize Xuan Li Island, as long as you recognize the fist. The restriction outside the Emperor pill tower has been opened, anyone can go out. From now on, the area within a hundred kilometers of this Palace is a forbidden zone. Anyone who remains inside will die!"

Many people's expressions changed drastically, and they turned to leave in shock.

They had already obtained a lot of good things, and they didn't want to die Here for no reason. Many of them didn't even know what was going on, so they immediately flew away.

Very quickly, the arena became sparse, with only a dozen people left.