Chapter 2003-doubts

When bei Jinghong heard this, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't refute it. He could only say, " that's just your wishful thinking. First of all, this kid has to really reach the realm of World King. Even if the divine realm tablet chooses him, the difficulty will not be lower than you and I.

"Where there's a will, there's no need to think about it now," said lingmu di. If we can't pass this tribulation, we'll all be finished with the realm of heavenly martial arts."

Bei Jinghong was silent for a while. I don't know what ye Qingyu is thinking right now. With the power he has, he's probably the best in the world. If he can help Yunxiao, he might have a chance of winning, but if he has his own plans, things will be even more difficult."

yes, that's why I think it's better for Yunxiao not to see him for the time being until he has the ability to protect himself.