Chapter 2046-Ben tingfeng

"Underworld fire?"

Yunxiao was taken aback. He did not know what it was, but it sounded very powerful, so he said, " "Do you think it's enough to just add you?"

"Of course, I'm more confident," Zhan Xi said. I'm not bragging, but my understanding of the earth realm is far above the two of you."

"Land? What is that?"

Yunxiao thought to himself,'it seems that there are still many secrets hidden in this place.

He pretended to be disdainful and snorted, " "Oh? I'd like to know how he's far above the two of us."

"Are you two trying to steal my research results for nothing?" Zhan Chu sneered.

"Look at what you're saying, who doesn't have a deep understanding of this place?"

Yunxiao looked very confident, but then he looked suspicious and said, " I don't think I've seen you before in the heavenly martial arts realm. Are you from the realm of eternal life? "