Chapter 2054-city massacre

"Really? If we stand out obediently, can you really let us go?"

Zhuo qingfan's figure appeared in the void, and he asked sincerely.

Feng Yaoli's pupils contracted, and he said coldly, " "That will depend on whether you are really honest or not." The frosty blade danced in the air, and a cold intent emanated from it, locking onto Zhuo qingfan.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm really honest."

"Please let me off," Zhuo qingfan said with a smile, his eyes narrowed.

"Where's Duanmu Youyu?" Feng Yaoli asked.

Zhuo qingfan spread his arms and shook his head. "I'm not familiar with him. I just had a meal with him."

"You're not honest," Feng Yaoli said.

I'm innocent! Zhuo qingfan hurriedly said. I'm telling the truth.

Feng Yaoli's eyes suddenly turned cold and murderous. The kingdom of snow appeared on his sword, and snow covered the sky, freezing everything within a thousand miles. if you don't behave, you can die!