The battle in the ancient Devil's well (3)

"Hehe, you want my life?" Lu congzi sneered. Do you still think you're invincible?"

"Not invincible, but I can kill you," ye Nantian said.

His figure flickered, and he came down. He made a hand seal with his right hand, and a golden light appeared. It turned into a sharp blade and shot out. With a whoosh, it cut the space and swept across Lu congzi's body.


Lu congzi's figure was broken into two, but it was only an afterimage.

The golden light made a circle in the air and returned to ye Nantian's hand. It was a golden sword.

hehe, you're still so powerful after destroying your Saint weapon. You're indeed the martial sovereign whose name resounded throughout the universe.

At the entrance of the ancient Devil's well, at the center of the star constellation formation, Lu congzi appeared with a smile. but if you want to kill me, you need to have the courage in addition to strength. Do you have the courage? "