The battle in the ancient Devil's well (6)

Ben tingfeng was a little dejected,"we haven't even seen many demons yet, and we've already lost so many soldiers. If the two worlds start a war ..."

Hao Feng frowned and said, " injuries and deaths are inevitable. No one can guarantee that they will live to the end. No one knows the result of The War of the Two Worlds in the future. We just need to have a clear conscience and die before it's over.

With a clear conscience, he would die!

These eight words were like a hammer, striking everyone's heart. Instantly, the dispirited atmosphere was swept away, and everyone's faces were filled with determination.

"Well said!"

good! Yunxiao also praised, " a clear conscience! I've thought of a way to break through the fog. Perhaps we can give it a try!"

"What method?"

Everyone's spirits were lifted as they hurriedly asked.

it's still broken by the power of elements! Yunxiao said.
