Chapter 2076-demon commander

In a pitch-black Deep valley, it was as silent as a dead land that would never change, without any waves.

Looking down from above the deep valley, the endless demonic Qi was like a dormant volcano. It was as quiet as still water and could not flow at all.

The space suddenly twisted slightly, and a simple chariot shuttled out.

The chariot had a strange and ancient design. It was made of bronze and had a ferocious beast head. The chariot made a slight turn in the sky above the valley and then disappeared, directly entering the bottom of the valley.

After sinking for tens of thousands of feet, there was a faint light floating up. Upon a closer look, the bottom of the valley was covered in golden powder, which formed thousands of strange symbols. It was actually a large formation.

A shadow flickered on the chariot, and a figure appeared beside it. The figure had blue hair that was particularly eye-catching, and he snorted as he glanced down.