Chapter 2150-past of the capital

The huge sword slashed down and hit ning keyue's illusion.


Qi Qi was shocked. He didn't know when ning keyue had teleported away.

"Something's wrong! This isn't teleportation!"

Qi's face changed drastically when he suddenly found that he was alone in the sky. Yunxiao, lingmu di, and the ninth elder had all disappeared!

"An illusion! I've fallen for the enemy's illusion?"

Qi Qi stood in the sky, his face full of shock, as if he couldn't believe it.

Illusion techniques were the innate ability of the eye race. He was the king of this Dao and the number one in the entire world.

However, in just one exchange, he was dragged into the illusionary space by the other party. This blow was simply unimaginably heavy.

In an instant, the self-esteem and confidence of a King crumbled, and he became absent-minded.

Just 100 feet in front of him, a yellow light slowly condensed and turned into ning keyue's figure. She sneered and looked at him quietly.