Chapter 2192-placing a bet

Ding Ling 'er clenched her fists nervously and prayed, " "I hope so!"

"Hmph, a person who only knows how to buy opportunities and take shortcuts, has a glib tongue, and is impetuous, how can he have any chance of winning!" A cold voice came from behind him.

"Gao Han, don't say that. We haven't even competed yet, how do we know who's going to win?" Amaterasu's voice rang out.

Qu Hongyan and Ding Ling 'er quickly turned around and saluted the two.

Yuan gaohan's face was gloomy. He had made a big enemy of Yunxiao, but he could not help feeling a little nervous when he saw qu Hongyan."Master, but you bet all your money on Ai Ying at the gambling house set up by Gu Qingqing!"

"Cough, cough cough! Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

With a violent cough, Amaterasu awkwardly covered his face with his hands and angrily rebuked, " "What do you know! Although I've bet all my money on Ai Ying, I fully support Yunxiao in spirit! Li Yunxiao will win!"