Chapter 2194-appearance

"It all depends on fate," said lingmu di in a neither humble nor haughty manner.

The few of them looked at each other and nodded.

Everyone understood that at their level, the importance of opportunities far exceeded hard work, but without hard work, there would be no opportunities.

On the path of the divine path, one could only move forward tirelessly and bravely. As for which step one would take, one could only adapt to the situation.

I want to place a bet too. I want to bet that big brother Yunxiao will win!

A bell-like voice rang out. It was water deity. She walked straight to the gambling table under everyone's gaze.

He even complained that li Mangshan was blocking the way and shouted, " "Move!" He shouted. She pushed him away.

Everyone's head was full of black lines, and their backs were cold.

Li Mangshan stood there in a daze, not knowing whether he should be angry or not when his dignity as a creation realm powerhouse was offended.