Entering the Dead Sea

what do you think? " Yunxiao looked at the crowd and asked. what do you think? "

"It's extremely similar to a great battle, but this Suan ni that covers a hundred thousand li of the ocean ..."

After he finished speaking, he was also stunned. He immediately overturned his own point of view and shook his head. I'm afraid that only a battle between world Kings can cover such a large area.

Duanmu Youyu said, " as expected, there's something strange. Even my deduction has been blocked. Everyone, be careful.

there's no point in guessing, " said beimang Nan. I'll ask a few of the sea tribes who migrated here before I go to see it.

yes, " Yunxiao nodded. those sea people will most likely get some news. Let's not delay any further, let's go over now."

Immediately, Zuo Kai and the others also packed up their things and followed along with their families.