Chapter 2245-heavenly secrets not yet here

During this period, he also met the three Dragon sons, blaze, Jing, and mang. The three of them were also awakening their sleeping true spirits and wanted to make them their subordinates.

But, as soon as he came into contact with Yunxiao, a conflict immediately broke out. With Xuanyuan Yao, a half-step world monarch, and the other experts, the three Dragon sons were quickly defeated and fled.

The true spirits they had gathered were either dead or surrendered, giving Yunxiao an advantage.

"Husband, why don't you chase after them and kill those three crawlers to prevent any future trouble!" Feini said.

although these three people have a grudge against me, they are not as unreasonable as luanyu, " Yunxiao said. there is no need to kill them. After all, the heavenly martial arts realm's powerhouses are few and far in between. Every creation realm existence is a priceless treasure."

"Feiyang wants to subdue these three people?" qu Hongyan asked.