Ice region Yuan County

The few of them laughed coldly. Although there was a gap in strength, none of them were worldly experts and had high ambitions. Hearing Yu's words, they all had cold expressions.

"You're happy, but we're distressed," Wei Qing ridiculed. There's only a single fifth grade world devouring devil. It's not enough for us to split."

don't worry, " Yunxiao said with a smile. don't forget that I'm an Alchemist. I can directly refine him into a pill, and then I'll make four pills.

"That's true, I forgot about it," Wei Qing laughed.

"You're looking for death!"

After an angry shout, Yu Zai was too lazy to speak. His body glowed with a black light and a whip shadow hundreds of feet long suddenly rose.

More than ten whip shadows appeared in the sky, lashing at the crowd. When it shot down, one couldn't tell if it was real or fake.