Chapter 2286-one move

Yunxiao was taken aback. He immediately summoned his three heads and six arms and quickly performed incantations.

A crisp sound suddenly rang out from the two demonic weapons, and a vortex appeared beside Yunxiao, like a dark cloud.

The referee's expression changed slightly, as if he had sensed an inexplicable danger. He increased the power in his hand and struck down wildly!

Yunxiao opened his eyes, and a gleam of enlightenment flashed in them as he shouted, " "Star Jade explosion!"

The two demonic weapons trembled violently, as if they were about to be detonated by the power of the star Jade.

Xiao Hong, who was fighting below, couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat as she revealed a look of shock.

"Boom boom boom!"

Yi's all-out attack landed on the demon master's ultimate skill, and it was like a pair of fists hitting an iron plate!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The array beads exploded one by one, blasting out rings of light waves!