Chapter 2294-shocking change

“嗞! Twelve thousand!"

The price refreshed again. Everyone felt that it was a little unreal and looked at the two of them strangely.

However, no one felt that this battleship was really worth that many devil essence stones. They all thought that they were just acting in a fit of pique. They couldn't help but envy marrow's good luck to meet two fools.

Even the single-class members of the seven Northwestern divisions all wore envious expressions.

Yunxiao sneered and continued to bid, " "Fifteen thousand."

"20000," Huan did not stop for a moment and reported.

twenty-five thousand! Yunxiao said coldly.

"30000!" Huan smiled faintly.


&Nbsp; the entire trading hall instantly became abnormally quiet, so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. It was like a haunted house. Everyone was stunned by the price.