Chapter 2307-each revealing their trump card

"We can't go on like this. Even if we can resist these demons, we will have to pay a great price."

Yunxiao's face darkened. He clenched his left hand, and with a clatter, the devil essence lock spun out and bound all the ten-odd Devils around him!

The demons 'bodies froze as if they were fixed in place, but they instantly came back to their senses and struggled with all their might. However, they were extremely weak.

The demonic beast that had been so mighty a moment ago was now like a candle in the wind.


Yunxiao slashed out more than ten times in a row, hitting the demons 'heads. With a flash of sword light, the demons exploded one by one.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A large amount of fiend fell out. Yunxiao grabbed it with his left hand, and The Fiend lock retracted and wrapped around his arm.

He had a total of three devil essence locks on him. Previously, one of them was destroyed in the battle with Yu Yi on Cang Xuan mountain.