Chapter 2350-dying with a single song

One by one, the massive third-generation demons were sent flying by the power of the 'proud smile of the secular world'. Many of them exploded with loud bangs, suffering serious injuries.

Lu congzi's eyes fell on the banana fan and he said, " "What profound level weapon is this? Who did it come from?"

Yunxiao, who had gone crazy, roared, " "From your f * cking head!" He raised his banana fan and suddenly hit Lu congzi!

Lu congzi's eyes narrowed slightly. He immediately felt the mighty power of wind and Fire, but he did not panic. Instead, he raised his hand and punched!


The huge furry fist struck the banana fan, and a massive force soared into the sky, shaking the two of them unsteadily.

Lu congzi's huge pupils contracted like black dots. He said in surprise, " you're so strong that you can actually compete with me?!

"Resist? I'm going to tear you apart with my bare hands today!"