Chapter 2355-coat of arms

that's my plan, " said lingmu di with a cold look in his eyes. we'll trap him with the great bliss of rebirth formation and drain some of his energy. Then, we'll choose 12 Strong men to use the divine malevolent formation of the capital Heaven.

Everyone in the hall felt a chill in their hearts as they felt the tragic atmosphere.

Qu Hongyan's face turned pale and she said, " "Lord mu di, do you mean to sacrifice the 900 people who set up the formation of paradise?"

you're going up against a master of a thousand worlds, " lingmu di said indifferently. he was a powerful being who almost destroyed an entire world back then. Do you think no one will die? "

"But Yingluo"

Qu Hongyan still wanted to say something but was immediately interrupted by lingmu di, who said slowly, " "Do you think that 900 people are too many? Do you know how many people died a hundred thousand years ago?"