Chapter 2381-choice

Lord Demon Emperor, " Yunxiao said coldly, " I don't want to force you to do anything, but if you choose six-winged, there will be no possibility of cooperation between us. From now on, they were enemies and not friends. Although you and Lord AI are both friends that I cherish, it's a pity that our paths are different, so we no longer plan for each other."

Mo's face was drained of blood, and he was struggling internally.

The eldest young master looked on with interest and laughed, " "What, is it hard to choose? It seems that you have developed a good relationship with li Yunxiao and the others."

After devouring Li Yi, the six clones 'memories had already fused together. Although this was the first clone that had appeared, it had also obtained the memories of the same body from six-winged.