The Legacy Is Coming!

Right then…

That mysterious elder was choosing the inheritor according to procedures.

Before his eyes…

The results of the assessment flashed across. According to the ranks of the legacy assessments, he saw that mysterious and unique teenager at first glance!

That child possessed almost all of the desirable qualities!

First, he was young enough.

Second, he came in first on many occasions!

These two points were enough to make him pass the legacy to him immediately!


When he was feeling satisfied with the target of his choice, his face instantly darkened. Damn! This was because he discovered that this near to perfect inheritor was actually a Card Creator!


Two-star Card Creator!


He remembered now. He was that salted fish that he had seen before.

Wait a minute. How could a two-star Card Creator come in top in two Swordsman assessments?

He felt bewildered.

Card Creator…