What Are You Guys Doing?

Qing Ming City.

Somewhere in the suburbs.

This was a fairly distinctive small town. It was decorated in an ancient style, conserving an ancient architectural style. Some outsiders would specifically visit the town for sightseeing. This was considered a small scenic spot in Qing Ming City. Every year, the Qing Ming City would also set aside a fund for the maintenance of these buildings.



There were sudden tremors on the ground.

A terrifying rift began to spread.



The ground collapsed.

Everyone fled hurriedly in panic.

There was a crack along the quartzite street that cut through the town. The town seemed to be divided into two sections by the rift.

Fortunately, the tremors lasted only a few seconds.

"What happened?"

"It might be an earthquake."

"Damn, didn't an Architect come to reinforce it recently?"

"God knows."

The crowd was somewhat alarmed.