You Big Shots Are So Cowardly!

At the administrative center of the School Championship Competition.

In a huge conference room.

The judges were watching the video projected on the enormous screen before their eyes seriously. Scenes of Lu Ming's competing at the pre-selection were playing on the screen!

Vanquished with five cards!

Killed in seconds!

Everyone was thrashed!

It was so simple and rough.

Be it a two-star or three-star cultivator, they could not persist for more than one match in his hands.

"What do all of you think?"

The chair of the judging panel said in a low voice.

Initially, they did not notice Lu Ming's existence. However, as the video increased in popularity and broadcast rate, it eventually captured their attention.

"It's just the pre-selection round. I don't think there will be any issue."

A female judge stretched herself before lazily shrinking back to her seat again.

What was there to be alarmed about?