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Qing Ming City.

At the police office.

The police officers were still trying to protect the people by evacuating them.

However, at this time, they received a strange message—the building had run away, the crisis was temporarily resolved.

Everyone who saw the news was dumbfounded.

The building…

Ran away?

That thing could actually run?

"Qing Ming City News Report…"

"Breaking News… A building is on the run. It was last seen on the ring expressway… at a speed of more than three hundred miles. Vehicles nearby please take note!

For now, the police have been dispatched and they are trying to apprehend it as soon as possible…"

The drivers were bewildered at the news.

It was true.

They had been drivers for decades. This was the first time they heard of a building that was on the run…

What the hell was this?!



A black shadow flashed.