I Do Not Need A Reason To Beat You.

In Qing Ming City.

In the shop.

Lu Ming was sorting through the summary of what happened recently.

What happened at the ancient tomb had come to an end. It was time to sum it up.


He managed to get a large sum of money from his classmate, Zhou Yang.

After making some money from selling the Phantom Legacy to him, he made another sum of money from the 'victim's compensation' as well as the 'hush money. In a sense, he had made lots of money.

It was a pity…

He did not kill the guy.

He had almost killed him in Qing Ming City. He still remembered it clearly. Forget it. He would think about that if he had the chance to in the future. Anyway, Zhou Yang did not remember him!

He could get more money from him in the meantime…

And then…

There was the issue of breaking through.

Although it was a pity he did not break through to a four-star, it was more important to temper his Original Card.

After all…