Breakthrough! Breakthrough!

In the lights.

Both of Lu Ming's eyes were tightly closed.

He was at the crucial stage of breaking through.

What was a bottleneck?

It happened when one broke through from a three-star to a four-star.

This was because the upper limit of a three-star was ten thousand points!

This was the bottleneck!

In terms of data, it was breaking through from ten thousand points to infinite. This breakthrough would be better represented in terms of cultivation. In her thesis, theorist "The Cultivation Structural Changes in Breaking Through from Three-star to Four-star" Mrs. Liu Ruoyun had used a very good concept—

It was like rivers flowing into the sea.

Indeed, a small river flows and merges with the sea!

This was breaking through!

Right then, he needed to guide the river toward the infinite sea…

He had to do away with all the constraints!

His cultivation had no upper limit!

According to the book…