Equalization! It Exists In The Universe!


After being beaten up, a ragged teenager was thrown out of a door.

"With this talent of yours, how dare you dream of joining our sect?"

"That's right! Look how useless you are!"

"You are, after all, a good-for-nothing!"

"To cultivate, one needs to be able to perceive the universe and have exceptional talent. Given your talents, what can you perceive? You are simply a loser!"

People mocked him while they watched the teenager curl up like a wild dog.

In this day and age, the cultivators were deemed superior to everyone.

They existed like gods, far above everyone!

Though people came up with 'spirit root' and all kinds of terms to describe their talent, in essence, it was the ability to perceive the universe!

Even if one was only talented in one area, as long as one had exceptional perceptual abilities, one could still cultivate!

As for the teenager…

He was very special but not that special either.