Sister Is Amazing!

"Who are you?"

The seven-star powerful figure swept his eyes across her.


That figure bowed slightly to show her respect. "I'm from the community nearby. I have some items which can help you recover from your injuries. I don't know if they will be of any help to you."


The seven-star was tempted.

Recover from injuries…

Not bad.

The people in the World of Darkness and Shadows were increasingly well-behaved. Perhaps he could nurture this individual to become a warden under his jurisdiction.

Well… That was what he was thinking.

Afterward, he looked on smilingly as the figure gingerly and respectfully walked toward him. Then… She suddenly took out a sword and stabbed him.


His heart was pierced with one sword.



An ordinary shadow long sword had stabbed and perforated him on the spot where he had been scorched by the sun.