Xiao-Xiaojian: Damn! It Turns Out That I Am That Extraordinary?!

Tian Du City.

Sword Card Master Association.

Lu Ming looked at the results of the test that he had just done and deep in his thoughts—the data was not correct.

Although he knew that his talent was poor, the disciples had good talents! He clearly used the Art of Equalization and he could also feel the thrill that came with high speed cultivation!

How could it be that low?

Especially the Sword Card Master talent, it was only 5.3 points…


A shameless spirit body rolled about on the floor laughing.

It knew that Lu Ming was not talented. But it never expected that it would be to this extent! Given his talents, he still wanted to beat it up? Damn! Why were his points that low?!

"Lu Ming…"

Xiao-Xiaojian was full of emotions. "Work hard on your cultivation…"

Lu Ming was expressionless.

He stifled the urge to beat the card, regaining his composure.

At this moment…