Maintaining Curiosity In a Pink Street Is a Man's Most Basic Form of Dignity

Sword Card Master Association.

The pink radiance engulfed the entire place.

When Lu Ming came to his senses, the pink radiance had already shrouded the entire association!



It turned out that the new card's scope of coverage had widened…

Lu Ming was expressionless.

At this moment, under the shine of the pink lights, the entire Sword Card Master Association was filled with a strange and mysterious atmosphere. It looked like an unspeakable scene of a particular street.

"What the hell is this Scene Card?!"

Lu Ming lamented listlessly.


Lu Ming looked at the door.


Xiaobai walked into the room gingerly.

"Tell Li Haoran to inform the disciples not to worry. Just say that I'm testing a card," Lu Ming instructed.


Xiaobai made the arrangements obediently.

At this very moment…

Lu Ming glanced at the data on the testing device.