Your President Is The One And Only Person Who Is That Amazing!

Tian Du City.

Sword Card Master Association.

All the cultivators had an odd expression on their faces.


Nobody expected that Lu Ming would create such a card!

Targeting the Wind Elementalists?

Not really.

According to the test results just now, this card had a 50% positive probability of having a positive outcome. Then, it would strengthen Wind Elementalists and increase their power!

However, once there was a negative outcome…

The Wind Elementalist would be done for!


The big shots looked at each other, they had no idea how they should look at this card.


The president of the Energy Warrior Association who stood in the distance, munching on melon seeds said loudly, "Does it mean that with this card, I will be able to beat them to a pulp until they call me 'father'?"

The Wind Elementalists became sullen.


Was he going to make them call him father?