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Tian Du City.

The Card Creators Association.

The Card Creators who had been busy over the past few days had finally returned to their association. Looking pale, each of them had wobbly legs. They even felt somewhat dazed when they saw the main entrance of their association.

Only god knew what they had been through during the past few days…

Three days!

A total of three days!

There were only lines, lines and lines in their eyes!

Everything was done for the sake of efficiency!

That bastard called Li Ergou from the Sword Card Master Association was too much. He stopped their supply of water and said that drinking less water would reduce their toilet trips.

What kind of demon was he?!

The most terrifying thing was… A lady with near-to-perfect looks and an almost perfect figure had been hopping around and cheering them on. They heard that she was a Sword Card Master cheerleader.


Was there such a vocation?!