Taking Action

What Gu Qing Shan spoke about, I myself had also experienced, hadn't I?

Brilliant talent and beauty like no other, after her sect was destroyed, left without a place to call home, while drifting in the world she had to constantly hide herself, her life of struggles, the blood and tears she shed couldn't possibly be any less than that Gu Qing Shan had been through.

Bai Hua Fairy's emotions fluttered as she began to seriously evaluate the youth standing before her.

The youth was giving off a slight foul smell that could be quickly recognized as a demon's stench.

A stench of this level must have been used in order to chase away other demons.

Bai Hua Fairy herself has also been through mountains of corpses and blood, so this type of stench doesn't bother her. In fact, it made her realize the youth standing here definitely wasn't simple.